Sunday, August 1, 2010

With a land to spare, A place to rare.

Our farm is located in Jasin 8 minutes ride from UTEM Melaka.
U will be greeted with our very own duck farm which consists of 500(Kortlang Khaki Campbell (kacukan Thailand) This ducks are just 2 months old (this buggers really grow in a zap). The species that ends up in your duck rice plate.

We have released an orwegian goose, actually there is another species lookalike with this one embden goose. Both can be differentiate by the colour of their legs, orwegian has orange webbed feet while the other with black webbed feet. This goose can act as personal guard for this ducks, capable of warding off predatory animals.

Water of the pond is regulatory cleaned on Sundays by pumping in new water from a stream nearby.In 20 weeks time, egg laying session will begin. And this is when brooding takes a hectic pace.

And yes we have tons of fruit trees such langsat, duku, durian and rambutan.

Agriculture is indeed in blooming in Malaysia rapidly since government has increased initiative to reduce Malaysia dependents on foreign goat supply. Why can’t we taste our very our ‘kambing chop’?
This is our very own low cost goat house. Goats do NOT like the rain! A wet goat is vulnerable to respiratory illness. Goats require a dry, ventilated shelter. A stall where they can be locked in at night is best but a three-sided enclosure is fine unless you live in a high predator area. Straw or pine shavings can be used as bedding as long as it stays dry. For their safety--It is always best to lock them in at night Goats are very curious and they like to climb and play on things an old picnic table, stumps or anything else they can jump up on provides hours of fun and entertainment for the goats AND you! Collars not recommended as they can easily get hung up with all of their jumping and other acrobatic
Houses more than 100 goats with various breeds

We have Jamnapari,Boer and Kalahari and Malaysia goats.

Can you see the dangling red square, its mineralized salt a.ka. saltlick. Salt is needed for most animals that have four legs. Goats and needs access of the mineralized salt at all times to prevent occurrence of urinary calculi, which is fatal. Each animal has an individual salt and mineral requirement, which is dependent on large number of factors: body weight and growth rate, age, pregnancy, lactation phase and milk yield, perspiration and performance. A mineral deficiency manifests itself in a loss of appetite, weight loss, decrease in milk yield, breeding problem, reduced growth and a decline in natural resistance. Some animals even start licking the walls due to decline of good taste!!!

A south African boer famous for its meat, this goats have been tagged (yellow tag) indicates it has been vaccinated and checked by Department of Veterinary Service. The goats are injected with deworming medicine Ivermectin to eradicate parasite load inside goat’s tummy. Since goat has four stomach.We deworm our goat every 6 to eight weeks.
p.s. This goat talk reminds me of this movie ‘The men who stare at goats’ is a mostly entertaining, farcical glimpse of men at war.

Oberhasil goat

Oberhaslis are a standardized color breed, with warm reddish brown accented with a black dorsal stripe, legs, belly, and face. Occasionally a black Oberhasli appears as a result of recessive genes. Check out the kid cute aint it??

And my personal favorite goat..pygmy goat..

The one and only pet goat...midget type..
(p.s.-not in my farm, just hard to resist for not posting)

Will keep updating on our farm.After all farming is all about pleasure and profit.If interested message me.