I love this when i was kid,and i still do!!How it feels when squeezed so tightly.
This stuff was invented by this man in central Ohio,as a white goo and he used it to remove soot off of wallpaper from old fashioned heating,so as gas and electric heating came in,there was no longer a need for the cleaning goo,so you know the guy was goin under.But his sister in law was a nursery school teacher.By the way,the man name is Joe Mcvicker.His sister in law was Kay Zufall.So Kay Zufall discovered that her kids liked squeezing the goo alot more than hard modeling clay.So she suggested to her brother in law,that they color the stuff and call it Play Doh.U probably be wondering where am i going with this.
So i keep this Play Doh as a proof that we're all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.