Sunday, May 15, 2011

Coffee Moments is Something

Coffee,latte,espresso and the list goes on related to this healthy natural caffeinated drinks.From Starbucks,Coffee Bean to Kopitiams.We could have all sort of drinks around the world,but nuttin beats the sight,smell and sipping down your own made coffee in the wee hours and in the early morning.We humans got so attached to coffee for many years,even the Great Frank Sinatra did a song about coffee from Brazil.Every cup of coffee contains its own soul, extracted from your feeling today.Every cup of coffee is like a magic show containing different journey and bringing the unending imagination and surprises.With a sip of coffee, you not only taste your own story, but also change your perspective of the world.Well we all are caffeinated to it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Famous Humans

We all experience this car wreck scenario,where we see sum1 who is famous,even information about famous people,we may profess to not care,''i dont really care bout Paris Hilton,i dnt really care bout J-Lo or Datuk Anwar'',and yet when we see tat they are broken up wit their girlfren,or maybe even a fleeting glimpse of them in a car some part of us jst like 'Pause' and its nt even a conscious part of us.It is just some deep-rooted part of us and i tink tat becs human being since time of memorium have been benefiting frm watching powerful people and tat is hardwired inside our brains.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Play Doh Life

I love this when i was kid,and i still do!!How it feels when squeezed so tightly.
This stuff was invented by this man in central Ohio,as a white goo and he used it to remove soot off of wallpaper from old fashioned heating,so as gas and electric heating came in,there was no longer a need for the cleaning goo,so you know the guy was goin under.But his sister in law was a nursery school teacher.By the way,the man name is Joe Mcvicker.His sister in law was Kay Zufall.So Kay Zufall discovered that her kids liked squeezing the goo alot more than hard modeling clay.So she suggested to her brother in law,that they color the stuff and call it Play Doh.U probably be wondering where am i going with this.

So i keep this Play Doh as a proof that we're all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Doomday is Inevitable

Since tsunami showed up again in Japan after many years,anyone still skeptic on the Mayan calender on 2012?well im not sure bout that.Anyway our hope and prayers goes to the people of Japanese,a really advance and strong nation.Here's a poem by me for them and the world:

life is the bitch, and death is her sister
sleep is the cousin, what a f-ckin’ family picture
you know father time, we all know mother nature
it’s all in the family,really hate when they come over.

if want to post as your Facebook put my name on it.hahaha.copyright by G.

Monday, November 29, 2010

When Nature Pays A Visit

What will you do when nature pays a visit??with guest like prying mantis and attacus atlas?take the forsaken camera and snap the lens out of it.Unbelievably I was bewildered by this sudden visit from this critters which rather amusingly weird.i mean I'm staying in an apartment which is basically located in rather a developed area,so this uncanny approach from nature’s guest is awesome.

Prying mantis..

I was busy revisioning, I had this sudden urge of feeling that I was stalked. To my surprise this Martian like creature is actually sunbathing under my room’s lamp. Without any hesitation I decided to paparazzi it..

To my astonishment this mantis is an amazing model!i should have pay it with a free meal of other insects of course..sadly he flew away,with his image memories safely captured in time.i address as a he is because adult male mantis are thinner in size compared to females.And mantis are famous for their cannibalism mating session,where the dude mantis is always devoured by the opposite sex.GOSH.
Seriously after my paparazzi encounter with him, I would say mantis are mesmerising creature.He looked directly into my eyes.At one moment I felt as though he is looking through my soul…
Till then mantis dude….

Attacus atlas…sound familir,im sure not..winks

Now this is wat I call attacus atlas and simple derivation as giant moth or the atlas moth
I was frigging mesmerised by the sight of this giant beauty,that i fail to snap pics that compares the size of my hand to size of tat moth.its gargantuan people.personally this is my second encounter, the 1st was back in a jungle in 1999.Its a rare sight to actually see this massive 25-30 cm airbus moth in a city area.

This moth is famous for its map-like wing patterns. In Hong Kong the Cantonese name translates as "snake's head moth", referring to apical extension of the forewing, which bears a passing resemblance to a snake's head,n if u realised it friggin furry.what i have rounded from tis creatures is tat,we have actually failed to realise the beutyness of mothernature creation,im greatly honoured in a weird way tat we have still have the privilege to encounter with this miracles of life.Do check out its unique antenna.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Original and Imitated

Fakes are a dime a dozen, so much so that even when you’re wearing the real thing, most folks will think it’s fake.

Since busy with daily life, I've realized few thing in my daily life and managed to blog about it, my personel zen perhaps. Back in the days, way back when man wasn’t universally obsessed with branded goods emblazoned with a designer’s name in huge shiny letters that leap out of your chest, your derrière, or your crotch, a good friend paid an insane amount of money for a designer T-shirt,heck sandles!

Now this T-shirt, let’s call it a Pierre Pei, was nothin much to look at. Indeed, it didn’t look any different from the T-shirts I usually bought for a fraction of the price from my local department store. But therein lay the problem. You see, my friend felt cheated by the thought that no one would be able to tell that his Pierre Pei T-shirt was more expensive than my Jusco number. A few days after the T-shirt’s premiere, I bumped into my friend again.

He was still wearing her Pierre Pei (trying to get his money’s worth out of it, I suspect), but this time there was something different about it: a label bearing the designers name was neatly sewn across his left chest. “I didn’t notice that label before,” I said.“It wasn’t there before,” he said. “I felt bad that no one would know that this is a Pierre Pei, so I removed the label from the inside of the neck – and voila!”
“Isnt that a bit extreme?”talk about make over.

“Not at all. It’s all about the prestige and being noticed. You wouldnt buy a Rolex watch, and then keep it tucked under your sleeve. Or purchase a BMW, only to drive around in it after dark.”“But prestige only works if im a brand snob, too. If Im not, I wont be impressed by your T-shirt. I’ll just think that you paid way too much for a piece of cotton and spent way too much time sewing a label onto it for the benefit of others.”

Of course, tat was way back in the dark ages, way before designers began making casual clothes that people can actually wear.These days, designer labels are everywhere. Go to any shopping mall and you’ll see fashion slaves being used as free advertising. Every time a young man wears his Calvin Klein underwear with the branded waistband peeking out over the top of his trousers for all to see, Mr Klein’s cash register goes kaching!Every time a young woman wears a T-shirt with D&G emblazoned across the front using enough bling to blind you, Messrs Dolce and Gabbana high-five each other and wonder how many different ways they can apply their initials to a teensy bit of fabric churned out of a factory in Vietnam for a few dong.

Of course, brand prestige takes a bit of a beating in countries like Malaysia, where many of the designer clothes and accessories worn by label-minded people are knock-offs. You only need to visit Malacca famous Jonker Street to see that there is a huge demand for fake goods, and not just with local people. Many westerners return from their beach holiday in Malacca with Giorgio Armani, Moschino and Gucci stuffed in their suitcases, all purchased for less than the price of a cup of designer coffee back home.

Heck, even the mother of the man who makes the best cendol in Malacca wears designer T-shirts. Her face may be lined, her hair grey and her teeth set in her shrinking gums like random peanuts standing to wobbly attention, but she wears the same T-shirts as Paris Hilton and Madonna as she attends to customers at her son’s coffee shop stall.She cant even pronounce the name “Versace” correctly or tell you that Chanel is French, but she’ll wear those T-shirts until she can’t get any more wear out of them.This must surely have diluted the demand for original designer goods in Malaysia. I mean to say, why would you fork out hundreds of ringgit for that branded T-shirt you saw in the shopping mall the other day when a Nepal dude probably has an almost identical one – in four colours?

There are so many fakes around these days, that even when youre wearing the real thing, most folks will think it’s fake. I mean to say, you can’t even wear your over-priced garb to the coffee shop without running the risk of the cendol woman pointing out that you’re wearing the same T-shirt as her.
“Buy one, free one?” she’ll say, as she gives you the thumbs up sign between making the snowflakes of sweetness.
Like, where got class lah?